Browse through our collection of discussions and interviews with healthcare experts.
What Makes A Healthy Olympian with Jane Thornton
Cardiac Longevity with Dr. Behnam Banihashemi
My Back Hurts! Chronic Pain Unpackaged with Dr. Andrea Furlan
Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and the Developing Brain with Dr. Susan Rich
War Is Good For Medicine with Dr. Tim Cook
Food As Treatment with Dr. Jeff Alfonsi
Mental Health in High Performing Athletes with Dr. David McDuff
Pharmaconutrition & Recovery with Dr. Sagar Desai and Dr. Kyle Waldman, FRCPC
The Apothecarians Lab with Shawn Gill
Understanding the Unthinkable: Insights from a Suicide Research Pioneer
Situation Critical – The ICU Explained with Dr Brian Cho
“T Talks” with Men’s Health Expert Dr. Adam Millar